USDA Food Donation Guidance

“Share tables” are tables or stations where children may return whole food or beverage items they choose not to eat, if it is in compliance with local and state health and food safety codes.
Share tables allow food or beverage items to be reused in a number of ways, depending on the program's preference:
Children may take an additional helping of a food or beverage item from the share table at no cost;
Food or beverage items left on the share table may be served and claimed for reimbursement during another meal service (i.e., during an afterschool program when leftover from a school lunch); and/or
Food or beverage items may be donated to a non-profit organization, such as a community food bank, homeless shelter or other non-profit charitable organization (see SP11 CACFP05 SFSP07-2012, Guidance on the Food Donation Program in Child Nutrition Programs.
Emerson Act 1996 I Good Samaritan Act

The Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act establishes Federal protection from civil and criminal liability for persons involved in the donation and distribution of food and grocery products to needy individuals when certain criteria are met.
See Food Rescue US I FoodTank